National Franchisee Conference and Incentive Program
It’s a challenge that we relish.
As a long-term partner, we had designed and delivered years of progressively outstanding conferences and incentives for our client with the accolade of continual improvement year after year. Port Douglas, Tasmania, Hamilton Island, Alice Springs, Queenstown (New Zealand) to name a few – each conference delivering the best the destination had to offer.
Our conference programs wholly engaged the franchisees, so they felt connected and an integral part of the business. Being part of something, and strongly united, made them willing to embrace central strategies to propel them and their businesses forward.
The experience gained over many years and the trust this continued to generate, created a partnership which empowered our client to implement a far reaching and ambitious realignment, secure in the knowledge that the conference launch would set them up for success.
"How are you going to top tonight?"
The Brief
Develop a conference platform to launch an ambitious set of new goals and reset expectations across the business
It was a big one. We needed to initiate a change in belief, behaviours and performance expectations. Once these specific business objectives were isolated we developed a conference strategy to not only give tangible form to the goals but unite and inspire the national team.
Another factor to consider was that after six years of conference we needed a visible break with the past. This lead to hosting the conference off shore for the very first time. Business sessions incorporated highly inspirational, compelling and authentic speakers fostering a space for shared learning, growth and development.
This was mixed with unique activities designed to ensure franchisees were engaged throughout the entire conference. Designed events also provided multiple opportunities for bonding, team building as well as those motivating ‘money can’t buy’ experiences.
The business sessions and outside experiences fuelled willingness to embrace very real business challenges. Most importantly, the franchisees left the conference feeling valued, committed, and very inspired for the big year ahead.
The Results
The conference was a huge success. The business went on to grow by almost 50% that following year with the effects still resonating across the business. The conference deeply strengthened the franchisee community.
The resounding success of our conferences programs led to us being tasked with the High Achievers incentive conference, which continues to drive excellence in the franchise network. It is purposefully designed to be more aspirational than the National Conference and the franchisees compete aggressively to attend each year. This in turn drives performance and growth for both their individual businesses and the company overall.
A key component for this year on year success is our trusted longterm relationship we have with our client. By immersing ourselves completely in a business, brand, culture and audience, we become completely aligned with your long-term strategic objectives allowing us to design and deliver conference solutions with results that propel your business forward.