Code of Conduct & Integrity Policies
Code of Conduct & Integrity Policies.
These two policies affirm Synergy Effect’s belief in responsible social and ethical behaviour from all employees. This policy clarifies the standards of behaviour that Synergy expects of all employees and supplier relationships.
Our employees, contractors and suppliers contribute to the success of our organisation and that of our clients. Synergy fully endorse that all in employ are not deprived of their basic human rights.
Furthermore, our employees and suppliers have an obligation to the business, our clients and themselves to observe high standards of integrity and fair dealing. Unlawful and unethical business practices undermine employee and client trust.
Code of Company Ethics and Conduct
Synergy Effect is a company which strives to bring best-in-class solutions, insights and global connections to maximise the business impact of event experiences to our clients – regardless of industry, region or culture. As such we embrace and adhere to the Code of Ethics and Conduct which applies to all employees, suppliers and contractors and provides the framework of principles for conducting business, dealing with other employees, clients and suppliers. This Code does not replace legislation and if any part of it is in conflict, then legislation takes precedence. This policy is based on the following:
We believe in treating others as we would like to be treated.
We believe in dealing honestly and fairly with each other, clients, providers of services, employees or employers past and present, and with the general public.
We recognise the right of those with whom we deal to make a profit.
We believe that business profitability is not only a right, but an obligation in order to preserve the continuity of our business and the quality of our product and service.
We believe that we have the responsibility constantly to strive to improve our product and service to make it the best value possible.
We believe that the best interests of all are served when we pay fair wages and provide steady employment, education, and career opportunities for our employees.
We believe in a policy of proper conduct with courtesy to all individuals with whom we deal, and in prompt and undisputedly excellent service to all our customers and business associates.
We expect all employees and third-party suppliers to represent their Synergy and its services honestly and proudly.
We expect all employees and contractors to
Act and maintain a high standard of integrity and professionalism
Be responsible and scrupulous in the proper use of Company information, funds, equipment and facilities
Be considerate and respectful of the environment and others
Exercise fairness, equality, courtesy, consideration and sensitivity in dealing with other employees, clients and suppliers
Avoid apparent conflict of interests, promptly disclosing to a senior manager, any interest which may constitute a conflict of interest
Promote the interests of Synergy
Perform duties with skill, honesty, care and diligence
Abide by policies, procedures and lawful directions that relate to your employment with Synergy and/or our Clients
Protect the confidentiality of all business arrangements and not knowingly reveal details of such agreements.
Avoid the perception that any business transaction may be influenced by offering or accepting gifts
Under no circumstances offer or accept money or any other item of value
No employee or contractor shall intentionally or negligently misinform or mislead, by act or omission, his/her clients about actual conditions or existing services or our ability to deliver a program.
Synergy shall honour signed contracts in spirit as well as in intent and will make every effort to honour all commitments, both written and verbal, as may be legally required.
We believe that there is an interaction between business policies and social responsibilities, and that all business policies should be aimed at the mutual satisfaction of all business associates.
Any employee, who in good faith, raises a complaint or discloses an alleged breach of the Code, whilst following correct reporting procedures, will not be disadvantaged or prejudiced. All reports will be dealt with in a timely and confidential manner.
Synergy has zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking and subscribes to the Code of Conduct for Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism.
Synergy Effect expects co-operation from all employees in conducting themselves in a professional, ethical and socially acceptable manner of the highest standards.
Any employee in breach of this Code of Ethic and Conduct may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.
Should an employee have doubts about any aspect of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, they must seek clarification from the General Manager.
This policy will be regularly reviewed by Synergy and any necessary changes will be implemented by the General Manager.
Integrity Policy
Synergy Effect places high value on our integrity. We believe that workplace integrity starts with honesty, decency and trustworthiness. Following through with our commitments and being honourable with our actions creates respect and professionalism. Our approach to integrity has four pillars:
A clean attitude
When we are confident and comfortable within ourselves we have next to no reason to belittle others or act with arrogance. Build your confidence and clean up your language and communication skills.
A clean attitude also relates to honesty with all clients and suppliers. Never ask for or offer bribes. And, never, never accept payment for work not approved in writing by management. It is your duty to report any bribery requests to management.
Honour our clients
Be respectful of the clients’ cultures and values. Be honest with time spent on projects, you are there to get a job done, not to surf social networks, talk to your friends and waste time.
Keep workplace secrets to yourself. These include things like: client information, financial details and up-coming company information. This is an absolute integrity must.
Be truthful
The upkeep of confidence in you and each of our ability rests on acting with integrity and communicating honestly and for the good of the relationship. Mistakes and mishaps can be your greatest time for growth and learning and problem-solving solutions.
Bribery & Corruption
As part of our commitment to integrity, we may never make, accept or offer any form of bribery or corrupt payment. We abide by the Commonwealth Criminal Code ACT and all other applicable international laws and that forbid bribery. We must follow these laws wherever we do business, regardless of local law or custom. A bribe includes anything of value, including gifts, cash and favours. We also may not attempt to circumvent these rules by retaining a third party to engage in prohibited activities on our behalf.
This means we may never offer, attempt to offer, authorise or promise any bribe to a government official (which may include any government employee, regardless of title), business representative or any other individual for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or securing an unfair or improper advantage for Synergy.
Staff accept their responsibility to report misconduct. They are familiar with the reporting process and are confident that something will be done about matters reported. Staff are supported in the workplace and know they can make reports without fear of intimidation, reprisal or pressure from others not to do so.
A strong internal reporting culture serves to maintain high professional standards within the organisation and contribute to its continuous improvement. Integrity concerns are managed in the interests of the individual, the company and our clients.